Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary has around 50.000 inhabitants, which means this is not one of the largest cities in Czech Republic. Still it is a very important tourist destination. This is a mecca for rich visitors, which are looking for some special spa treatments. Karlovy Vary are a known spa resort place in which aristocrats from central Europe, especially from Germany and Austria (in last years also more and more from Arab states and also Russia) are arriving for hundreds of years. The great architecture awaits you at almost every corner, especially around the town center.

History of Karlovy Vary waiting for you

Karlovy Vary have a very rich history and they’re a really great place to visit and get some rest. Many different kinds of sport activities are also present and nature offers lots of promising tours around the area. In the city you can visit few nice museums.

Picture taken of several historic buildings in Karlov Vary, Czech Republic
Old historic buildings in Karlov Vary, Czech Republic

If you’re keen in discovering a history of some strong alcohol herbal drink, then Jan Becher Museum is the one that will fit you best. A history of Becherovka drink will be revealed here and of course, you will want to try it very soon. Also a Museum of glass is a nice option. Still those two museums are not the only around the city. The biggest museum is called Cheb.

Religious architecture shows it’s greatness

Orthodox Church st. Peter & Paul and also a Church of the Ascension in Stará Role are two great religios objects worth checking out their interior and also their great outside looks.

Image of an old, but beautiful Russian Orthodox Church in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Russian Orthodox Church in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

For some really spectacular view around the area, visit the Lookout tower Diana. Also very interesting sites are the Ostrov chateau with its great gardens and Castle Loket, about 15 kilometers outside of the city.

Where to stay in Karlovy Vary

While you enjoy some spa treatment, you can also find some great golf course for yourself. Also try to get some best out of local restaurants and pubs, which offer pretty nice ambient and usually pretty affordable prices for westerns. But still remember that this is a touristic gem, so even if you’re in Czech, Karlovy Vary is not a very cheap city.

Picture taken of a hotel in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Hotels in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

The city was never to be meant for those with empty wallets but for those arriving with golden credit cards in their pockets. Of course, you can find some nice and budget options, just ask around and local residents will help you gladly. Have in mind that camping is also an option and if you don’t like such trip, then some very nice apartments and family hotels can be found for a very good price.

Karlovy Vary best attractions:

Orthodox Church st.Peter & Paul, Church of the Ascension in Stará Role, Lookout tower Diana, Jan Becher Museum, Glass Museum, Museum Cheb

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