Belarus city of Minsk


Build around Niamiha and Svislac rivers, Minsk is also the largest city by population and size of Belarus. It is the most important city in Belarus, economic and financial center and the capital of the country. It is the cultural capital of the country and many people come here to visit its long rich past that spans centuries back.

Minsk museums

Minsk is more than a 1000 years old and was build between the Black Sea and Baltic. Unfortunately almost after a whole 1000 years of building, tradition and culture development it was mostly destroyed in World War 2 leaving only rubble behind. The city was later rebuild and is especially great for people who like Russian history and culture.

City house in Minsk
Capital city of Belarus, city Minsk, the city house

The city features an amazing museums like Great Patriotic War Museum, National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus, Belorussian State Museum of Folk Architecture, great number of theaters including National Academic Bolshoi Ballet and Great Opera Theater.

Discover the city of Minsk

The city has this relaxed pace that is running at, even the cars don’t make much noise and it’s easy to think. This makes it incredible to think that it is home to almost 2 million people as it doesn’t give you that claustrophobic feeling of invading tall buildings and aggressive drivers. Public transport is well organized, and renting a car or a bike is cheap so you can see the city’s attractions on your own without having to reach deep in your wallet. It’s also possible, and probably best to visit the key attractions of the city by foot like Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Gorky Park and Oktybrskaya Square.

City view of Minsk with river
Beautiful and rising city of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

The city has its own airport and is well connected with other cities like Vienna, Amsterdam, St Petersburg and many others. This is an incredibly calm town despite its 2 million inhabitants. Here you can experience culture and sports with many sports complexes. Every time you step onto Minsk’ streets you can feel the cultural atmosphere that fills the bonds connected with Soviet era.

Best Minsk attractions:

Victory Square, Independence Square, Oktybrskaya Square, Zaslavskaya Jewish Memorial, House of Government, Great Patriotic War Museum, National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus, Belorussian State Museum of Folk Architecture, Museum of Ancient Belorussian Culture, Belorussian Fine Arts Museum, National Academic Bolshoi Ballet and Great Opera Theater, Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater, Island of Tears, National Library, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Cathedral Saints Peter and Paul, Saint Alyeksandr Nyevsky’s Church, Church of Saint Simon and Helena, Maryinsky Cathedral, KGB Headquarters, Central Botanical Gardens, Belorussian State Philharmonic