Denmark as a place of commercePeninsula in northwest part of Europe featuring many islands which most of them are on the eastern side just about 15 kilometers from Sweden’s coast. Denmark has an important geographical position that connects important routes from its south neighbor Germany over the bridges towards Sweden and Finland.

Old kingdom in modern times
The country is home to almost 5.5 million inhabitants. Denmark is the oldest kingdom in the world and relatively small, but it’s also the country with the highest living standard in the world. It is a country of culture where many famous writers come from like Hamlet and H.C. Anderson. This is why Copenhagen holds the statue of Little Mermaid. Danish people truly love sports and are mostly known for their top of the line women handball players. The country was the European Champions of Football in 1992 which not many people know about.

Denmark love for sports
Many recreational sports are very popular in Denmark and many locals travel to Sweden and Norways for skiing. Danish are also known for their love of travelling and this is why most flights are done from the country’s capital Copenhagen towards London, Berlin and Paris. Copenhagen is home to the largest airport in Nordic Europe.

The history of Denmark is tightly related to Vikings and later with other Scandinavian Kingdoms. After the World War 2, Denmark quickly became a part of European Nations. Because of the rich Danish history you will find many architectural wonders scattered all across the country. These include churches, palaces, and fortifications. Many young people by age and heart will know that Denmark is a place of the famous Lego Bricks and Lego-land, a famous theme park attracts many tourists each year.

Something for everybody’s tummy
The culinary goodies of Denmark are very attractive by itself. Fish and meat are most famous as Denmark is the largest pork manufacturer in Europe. In the recent years, Danish cuisine has become very popular in Europe. Here you have the old reinvented Nordic recipes with home-grown ingredients and traditional meals such as roasted pork and open sandwiches are still very popular.

Best Denmark attractions:
Tivoli Gardens (Copenhagen), Christianborg Palace, National Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen), The National Gallery of Denmark (Copenhagen)
Facts about Denmark
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