Found in southern part of Italy, close to the city of Napoli, Pompeii is one of the most interesting places to visit. Today Pompeii is a modern city with about 25.000 inhabitants, but it is very special due to the fact it holds one of the most preserved cities from Roman times. It was long ago heavily damaged by a volcanic eruption from Mount Vesuvius.
Pompeii – city under volcano
The old remarkable preserved Roman ruins attract thousands of visitors each year. Frozen in time are many paintings, furniture, sculptures and architecture that show how life once went on more than a thousand years ago. It has been declared a UNESCO site for the remarkable rich history preserved here. Here you can walk on old cobblestone streets that Romans used a thousand years ago, see the remains of amphitheatre, baths, bars and much more.

A tragic story that happened two thousand years ago now serves as a reminder of the once mighty Roman Empire and the power of nature that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You can travel back in time and see how once life was. It is advisable to visit the nearby sister city Herculaneum that suffered the same fate.

There is still much to uncover in Pompeii as excavation works are planned for the near future. It is undobutfully one of the best cities to explore how the ancient Romans once lived. It is almost like opening an old book, and seeing the old and wonderful photos of a long lost civilization and it’s people.
Best Pompeii attractions
Amphitheatre, Baths, House of the Vettii, The Basilica