Holland is a place of culture
Holland or the Netherlands, is the country located in the western part of Europe landlocked by Germany to the east and Belgium to the south and the North Sea to the north. The distance between Amsterdam, the capital of Netherlands, is only 360 kilometres from the London city, the capital of England.
More internationally known as Holland, the country is a well known place for many people trying to relax in a more pristine environment without the hustle and bustle of many overpopulated countries.
Old goes well with modern in Holland
Walking down the streets and over the 17th century canals you just get that old European feeling of the country. But if you go to Rotterdam which is on the South of Netherlands you get the exact modern version of the “old” European architecture.
At the same time, Rotterdam city is one of the biggest ports in the world, especially for cargo ships. If you like big ships and you want to take pictures of them or show them to your kids, you just need to travel to Rotterdam and live the experience.
A tourist trip to the medieval times
Holland literally means “land of wood” and it got its name from the Frisian Kingdom, a kingdom of the Frisians that ruled this region in the 7th century. They became the leading seafaring nation in the 17th century with their influence and colonies spread through the world. Today Netherlands is one the 6th place of the largest economies in European Union.
Netherlands is home to some of the best museums in Europe such as the Boijmans van Beuningen, a museum with a legendary collection of art including those of the greatest European historic figures such as Van Gogh.
Explore and enjoy the Netherlands
The Central Netherlands is a thing of poetry. Since Netherlands has always played an important part in the growth of Europe there are many historic centres of trade where cultural abundance and beautiful nature coexist in a perfect setting for anyone to explore.
Netherlands is also famous for cycling as cities have cycling routes and its a good idea to explore some of the historic places by bicycle.