Sailing or waterskiing? It’s your choice but if you wish, you can also rent a boat and ride some small waves on the great Balaton lake. Siofok is the main sailing center on the lake, but not the only one, because the customers demands were rising so fast in the last years, that they had to open few new.
Siofok has a lively city tourist life
Siofok and its surrounding area are of course full of hotels, restaurants, pubs and bars. There is also a good nightlife, but don’t expect Ibiza type of fun. To experience some traditional Hungarian party with their music, better ask locals. Still many things didn’t change after the pro-Soviet communistic regime has been changed. Including the wealth of the region. But Siofok is prepared for tourists so you will surely enjoy your time in this small town, which hosts over 22.000 inhabitants.

On the coast of Balaton lake
With almost 600 square kilometers in size, the Balaton lake is the most attractive natural location in Hungary, the country which lacks high mountains and sea. The southern part of this big lake (the largest in central Europe) is not very deep, usually up to 4 meters. It has lots of spots for swimming, so families love to gather here in search for more shallow waters.

Northern part is deeper, with fine winds for sailing. The Siofok town is also here, on the north eastern coast. From here, you can also rent a boat to the other side of the lake, usually to the small peninsula, where they land in the port of Tihany.
Apart from being a nice little town with many restaurants, pubs and many hotels, this old town, where remains from the Roman empire has been found, is also known for its 2 very long grass beaches, called Golden Shore and Silver Shore. A lot of young people also arrive here, mainly for having a good time, as the Siofok is very well known for its all night parties, especially in the summer time. Those parties can be huge, sometimes as huge as those in the Budapest, because tens of thousands of people can arrive.

Siofok Attractions
Siofok Water Tower, Siofok Evangelical Church, Kalman Imre Memorial House, Bebo Aquapark, Mineral Museum, Bella Animal Park Siofok, Plazs Siofok